Easter at Rockford Farms

Easter at Rockford Farms is always a fun family event. The youngest child in the clan is now 10 and the Easter Egg hunts are a little less of an event. I still dye eggs since others tend to bring plastic eggs. I would miss post-Easter egg salad sandwiches.

We are transitioning our cattle operation at the farm and building new grazing paddocks…with the help of a nice government program! In order to do this, we sold off our herd of cattle.  This will allow for the fields to rest a bit and for the new fencing and water sources to be put in place. The farm seemed a little empty since it is usually calving season.

The old farmhouse seems to be in good shape except for a very active water leak that I discovered in the basement. We still have a lot of work to do on the house to get it ready for the Landmarks Association tour later in May. A deadline is alway a nice motivating factor to get projects done. Maybe our weathered sign will even get a paint-job!

Last year was a little off since a hail storm ripped through the property on Easter night. All of the windows on the West side of the house were smashed out.  Most of the Summer the windows were boarded up…so the house was a bit depressing. It took until August to get the windows replaced…though we did get the house painted, a new roof, guttering and more. I am glad that the recent tornados missed us, though my heart goes out to those in Bowling Green who had horrible damage. We have a few show ponies mending in our stables who had their Bowling Green barn torn apart.

By-the-way…who chopped down my cherry tree? My sour cherry tree is missing!

I am looking forward to a delightful Spring/Summer in Pike County!






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